Thursday 22 January 2009

The gallery images

Here's the 5 images that were coloured for the 'gallery' section of the old website. They still look good!

A letter from Eddie...

A while ago, Eddie sent through a batch of new comics, accompanied by this letter. This letter explains about the new characters Joey, as well as Dave and Jave. The new strips can be found here:

The T-Shirt photo

This is the image used for the T-Shirts. Its an element from one of Eddie's comics, overlaid onto a photo of Toronto, plus a POWERFUL logo!

The Xmas card!

Here's Eddie's Captain Powerful Xmas card from Xmas 2006:

The T-Shirts!

Here's William and Eddie wearing the classic Captain Powerful T-Shirts - Boy does that seem a long time ago...It was Nov 2006!

We're up and running!

Finally the transition from the (difficult and time-consuming to update) to the much easier to update has started. It may take a little while, but in the end it should be better for updates! All the comics have been copied to a new picasa web album for easy viewing, downloading etc. which you can find here: